The story of a former opera star who must by the will of Fate work as a Crocod
The story of a former opera star who must by the will of Fate work as a Crocodile in a styrofoam costume entertaining children in the children’s playroom of a shopping centre. This kind of life seems joyless and even disgusting to the former leading tenor, and he vents his frustration by behaving rudely. Until one day, into his life enters a fateful woman and… a crocodile.
主演:Justin Duncan,Gerald Crum,梅赛德斯·皮特森,John Charles Dickson,Daniel Frank,Shanon Snedden,Kenzie Pallone,Vandi Clark,Cole Thomas Crum,James D. Pruitt,Mark E. Howell,Megan Yarbrough,Toben Row,Michael Cavazos